Dabbleboard, a free online whiteboard


For the instructor who likes to doodle drawings on the board, who often draws flow charts, or even those whose handwriting is so terrible that they wish there was an alternative to the classroom whiteboard, Dabbleboard may be the solution.

Dabbleboard is a free online whiteboard that is incredibly easy to use. I created a simple diagram illustrating the difference between sacred and profane space for my mythology class in just a few seconds. I downloaded the file as a .png file which allows me to post it on the web. I can also link directly to the image.

The best features of Dabbleboard are the ease in creating line objects, line connections, and text. Images can also be incorporated into the drawing. Drawings can be saved online, downloaded, or linked. A Share+Chat button provides a dedicated link to the image and a chat window. One awkward feature is that, in order to save a complex object, each individual element must be selected and added to the whole. However, the key here is to double check before saving.

One caveat: The Terms of Service say that Dabbleboard owns any images created and the concepts contained in the image. If that is an issue, another service might be used.

There is also a Pro version which offers further functionality and more storage.

The best way to learn about Dabbleboard is to see it in action by viewing the online tutorial. Online instructors and those teaching in smart classrooms may wish to consider adding Dabbleboard to their arsenal of resources.

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